A PhD Level Question to Economists, Business Students and Enterpreneurs
Well few days ago I ordered few western wear winter clothing from my favourite online clothing brand Elo. It is a Pakistani brand that had it's ware house in textile city Faisalabaf that is known for most innovative enterprenuetship while housing factories and businesses that manage international orders from one of most established brands of the world thereby suggesting adherence to international best business practices. Well the order was placed as usual and it was shipped to Lahore through Daeeeo cargo service and therefore it was given to the delivery agent to them facilitate delivery to the doorstep. Well the delivery guy would give me a call to confirm my availability and thereby would deliver my package from Elo and I shall pay him cash that would be transferred to Elo account. Well he called me as usual yesterday while I couldn't attend the call but I called back. Well the mobile phone bell rang and he didn't pick the phone while I could listen to. a beautiful home known as Naat that is one of the most beautiful words and poetry to present your love and affection to prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), the holy cities of Makka and Medina and Allah's holiest House Kaba sharif while associating prophets glory with mankind and the lord Almighty. Well every time my Elo orders are delivered through different cargo service and delivered by different delivery boys. These young men belong to hardworking humble economic back grounds and have been spending their youth with long hours working routine riding bikes a on the roads of Lahore serving customers eagerly waiting for their packages. It's tough times in Pakistan and Pakistani youth are the most resilient one. So as I was listening to the beautiful Naat I could feel what the young man trying to facilitate my online shopping is usually thinking and that would just amaze the whole world. Well with a lively tone he picked the phone and politely facilitated my queries where I asked him to deliver the package to Lake City instead of Johar Town. He facilitated my request most probably while I spent the evening mesmerized with his kind behaviour and the beautiful Naat his mobile was playing. Well the kind young man from humble economic back ground was putting all his hopes for a peaceful and economically prosperous future of himself and his family on Allah and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and as the beautiful prose to praise our prophet was still resounding in my mind, it would be the case with the young man delivering happiness to the dwellers of Lahore. Now here is the question.
Well what if all the 8 billion people are rich except this young man and the whole world gets to know that there is this young Pakistani boy riding his bike on the roads of Lahore facilitating online shopping orders for some well to do customers and he doesn't earn much as his salary but still plays one of the most beautiful Naat of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) while passionately dream to visit Mecca and Medina and Holy Kaba to expect from the lord a beautiful and prosperous future for himself and his family. Well I am sure who ever among the 8 billion rich and economically prosperous global citizens would know about him, they would decree and claim they have found the bravest hero among themselves in 21st century who is a unknown delivery boy still facing economic hardships and bracing rain and humidity and weather delivering happiness to Laori city dwellers while singing hymns and praising Allah and Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him). Well the entire world would shop from Elo and wait for the delivery boy to deliver their package with the hope to get a call from him where they would also hear the beautiful Naat playing on his mobile while the global customers of Elo would be waiting for him to pick the phone with one of the most beautiful thoughts. Well Indeed he would be the hero of 21st century when there would be no poverty and no islamo fobia.
Now clearly there is an assumption that would allow my students to understand something most fascinating about economic, 21st century, construct of modern world, immense beauty of Islam and Muslims and their expressions not only represented in mosques but their daily lives.
Well for business students it is simple to conclude that he is soon going to be the richest man of the world, yes that delivery boy.
For students who understand Islam, how he would then be socially identified because the world of 8 billion people want him to deliver there order.
What is the link between his humble background and his words of love and praise for Allah and Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) and how it would be translated by him and the world when all his dreams come true
How he would then be guided by Muslim scholars and molvo of the local mosque where he would be living.
Now start bringing reality by easing the theoretical assumption while knowing that the young man with him le background is really from Lahore Pakistan and Indeed for a Muslim there would be no reality bigger and nobler than words of praise to Allah and his last Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).
Well there also hont and guide to understand Islam and go to the molvo of local mosque to know why Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the last prophet of Allah and why the whole universe praises him for getting the blessing of Allah almighty. wWhy Prophet Muhammad is the source of salvation for humanity .
Well you can also work out if the whole world would still find their hero of 21st century in that young biker from Lahore but then would know there are more than a million like him what governance strategy would be required to gift more than a million young Pakistani youth from humble back ground praising their lord and prophet.
What diplomatic and international economic agreement would be needed if the world would know that in Pakistan all the rich and poor sing praises of Allah and Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him).
Well who are going to be best friends of Pakistan.
Well how Pakistan and Pakistani citizens would construct their lives because real life doesn't represent Human dreams but our future is build on our aesthetics and dreams.